Friday, 6 April 2012

More Depressing By The Second.

I figure that over half way into production time is just as good as time as any to make pretty major changes to my film. Got bored animating a camera pan shot, so decided on another character piece. Will no doubt regret the decision when I'm running out of time.

The shot is rapidly becoming more depressing by the second. I needed to create a 'mum' character for a later shot so figured I would get it out the way. Ended up putting her in this scene too when she reads her son's 'Missing in action' letter. Full emotional breakdown ensues.

Fun fact for anybody reading this. The character will only ever be seen from behind. The Morpheus rig comes with a moustache as default. I kept it on. It makes animating this scene slightly less depressing.


  1. Replies
    1. Is it a woman with a moustache, or a man in a dress.. Nobody knows!

  2. Looks like a little broom to me =) Swish swish! =)
